autofreaks 20 long diary :]


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Originally Posted by b0bby1
are you using all that LR and LS from your old tank along with the water, or is everything new?
yeah i am using the sand and rock from the other tank


Active Member
just some new stuff
a cheap green shroom for $5

full tank shot

'nother shot of the frogspawn

my new yellow watchman

he isnt camera shy

profile shot


Active Member
ya thats why i got one

ok today i picked up about a hundred polyps of these orange center w/ green zoos for 30 bucks, and i got a few brown palys ( i think) with them for free... my hermits have been vigorously cleaning the rock so its hard to get a shot with all the polyps open, the hermits keep bumping into them and they close... but enjoy!!! i will get new shots of them all open once the hermits have given it the spit-shine... oh yeah and there are some gsp's that i got earlier this week and i got some pics of them open

JR. posing infront of the new zoos

nice little bunch

a shot of the whole rock but only about a third of the polyps are open

$5 gsp frag

some of the brown ones (does anyone know what these are??)

some of the other zoos that are popping their heads out


Active Member
ya for sure, the guy at the store was gonna sell me 10 pink zoos for 50 or 100 orange/green zoos for 30... you can guess what i picked

i keep trying to get a pic of all the polyps open but... the crabs keep chewing on all the old gunk that was on the rock and brushing up against the polyps... oh well im still happy with my AMAZING purchase... i should put that in the best buys thread


rbrock, if you look locally for a reefer near you, you can find some great frags of stuff for real cheap. i have a guy half hour away from me, he teaches fragging at a highschool, that sells me everything for $10. hes got thousands and thousands of cool frags. i just went over there today and picked up 15 frags or zoas, blastos, and acans. everything is very rare too, cheapest one at a LFS would probably be at least $40. i can email you a site if you wanna see if there are any local reefers in your area.


Active Member
nobody around me does frags or anything. majority do fish only. i have to travel 45mins just to get a decent fish store


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this weekend the new tank formed a leak
unfortunately i was in the process of leaving for vacation when i found the leak. it was 7:30 and we were supposed to leave at 8... i had to drain my qt, break it down and bring it down stairs, and put all my rock with coral in the qt. the rest of the rock i put in an ice chest with water, a heater, and a pump. it was an easy transfer from the dt to the qt since i just used the same water. it was sad though, i wanted to observe the fish and make sure they were ok, and find the source of the leak but we had to leave. i hope my fish are ok, im getting home around 9 tonight
i will get some pics of all the fish in the qt and some pics of the faulty tank.
but the universe has a plan, becasue we left late we were able to help out 4 worn out young travelers who were lost in the middle of riverside at 1 in the morning. luckily we had our gps and could write them out specific directions and we tythed $20 so they would have enough gas to get to their destination. i dont think they would have ever found the place, fortunately we were there to help


Active Member
everything is doing fine in the QT, and i found the source of the leak. the aquaclear 30 hang on back filter had too much filter floss in it, and the water level reached above the rim of the filter... just leaked all over the back of the tank. kind of a bummer that i had to pull apart the tank but rather be safe than sorry. i am going to put the tank back bigger and better. this time i am going to put egg crate under the sand so it evenly distrubutes the weight of the live rock. i am also painting the back of the tank black. i was considering putting in black sand but after some expert opinions from i have decided otherwise. also im going to modify the aquaclear so it wont overflow as easialy
here is a pic of the QT i took with my webcam
sorry for the bad quality


Active Member
^thanks lauren^
ok here are some updated pics of the move from the QT to the DT
here is some rock and sand waiting to be put into the DT

another shot of my cheap zoos

another shot of the QT before i take it down

i took dskrezyna's advice and painted on a black background

finished product


Active Member
mess after the painting

started the transfer... my brother wasnt afraid to jump in and help

shot of the QT and the DT and my brother moving around rock

QT getting emptier

i need an electrician

random pic

random pic #2

here is the 20 back together, today im going to stack rock the way i like, even out the sand, and hood up the rest of the electronics

soon im going to be building a HOB fuge out of acrylic and silicone... i accidentaly bought the silicone with the anti-mold stuff and you cant use that in tanks so i have to make another trip to home depot