avatar change?


Active Member
Ive been thinking about changing it, the only thing holding me back is that my animation has been grandfathered in and i will lose it.
what do ya'll think keep the itchy kitty or trade it in ?
if someone has a really good one i can steal from them - must be kitty oriented
can i see it?
i would do a poll but i don't know how


Active Member
I know it sucks, I lost my animated avitar when i changed. Howcome we can't have animated anymore?


Active Member
i agree.
keep your avatar strictly for the reason that its animated.
no animated avatars is one of the dumbest things i've heard in a long time.


Active Member
Keep the animation, sooner or later, you're going to be the only one left with one. You can always get creative with your Custom Tag though... New snippet for the week or something

darthtang aw

Active Member
Jen, keep the avatar, I always know your posts because of it and it is like a signature.....You change it and I don't think I could take you seriously....the dancing cat just screams, "PAY ATTENTION!".


Active Member
c'mon, keep the kitty. i do enough avatar changing for the two of us. ill share. kitty oriented? done.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
c'mon, keep the kitty. i do enough avatar changing for the two of us. ill share. kitty oriented? done.

(Sung to the tune Hot n cold by Katy Perry)
You change your mind
like Alix changes her avatar
Jenny, I saw keep it. It is cool!


Active Member
the fact that you even know who katy perry is let alone the words to her songs or even the title saddens me. sure, blame it on your daughter. still.


Active Member
Keep it.
I like when people keep the same av, especially the 'experts'.
It means I don't even have to look at the name to know who posted.


Active Member
pls don't change the kitty. omg. it's..... it's the KITTY!!!!!
i get so freakin' confused w/all these pple changin' up their avatars all the time. I never recognize anyone anymore.