AW2, come here u lil punk!!!!


Originally Posted by Cartman101
:mad: :mad: :mad: What the h*ll is your proble????!!! How come u give me know respect!!!?????? You know what? COme right over to my house and i will show you my tank, that will shut you up!!! :mad:
i find that you spelt no wrong
yo saltwaterfish boards are to show off your tanks and get advice calm down homes


Active Member
I am relieved you’re not him he's a prick; I almost considered kicking the hobby because of him. Everyday I would come home excited to post read, and maintain my tank, he came along and took that away from me for a while.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Space_Geek
See? Even me and Rubberduck dont HATE each other anymore! And if thats possible, anything is possible! So it looks to me as though anything is possible. Just try to suck it up, get a good laugh out of it, and move on.
yes LOL so true. to tell u the truth i dont even know why we got mad. dont reay care, be mature and get through it. btw pitbul nice tank in your other thread