awaiting birth


thats right tonight is the first night to retrieve new clowns from my 265. I have done it several times but its been over a year since the last time. Lights just went out , i have turned off all pumps and power heads. It taks about 30 min after the lights go out to start hatching.I will ues a small light to at top of tank, they will swim to the light and ther i will put them in a 10 gal ( new home for awhile) This time no living food, thats right in the past i used rotifers for the first food. this time im going to try soming different. Well its time i will keep you all posted


Take pics!!! Lots and lots! lol
What are you going to try to feed instead of rotifers? Gooc Luck!!


Oooh, keep us posted on every detail. I was thinking about trying that too. I was thinking frozen rotifers, or maybe zoo and phyto from kent marine. Marine snow maybe? What kind of clowns and what are you feeding? :cheer:


Day 2,We have about ten little clowns. I didnt pull out the shell they laid there eggs on. So i had loss the first night plucking them out one by one. The shell they picked of course is at the bottom of my rocks. The food i using is flakes, spectrumax and spirulina ground to a powder form also i put some arcti pods as well. So far so good i well keep posted ( No pics, Im all most 40 and still impress myself getting this far on the pc.


In the past, when you used rotifers, how many survived? Did you enrich the rotifers before adding them to the larval tank?
Having used rotifers in the past, I am wondering what would entice you to try it without. Feeding rotifers as a first food is remarkably easy, and the larvae take to them well.
You will find that the larvae do not know that the powder is food, and will have some difficulty feeding on it. You may use too much in order to give them more opportunities to strike at it before it sinks to the bottom. I do hope you will scrape and siphon the tank bottom several times a day, as the dead food starts rotting almost immediately. You will also need to replace the water removed with the siphoning. Dripping it in is the best way to introduce it to these fragile larvae.
I wish you luck, but I am compelled to add that this is not a new experiment. It has been tried over and over by hobbyists such as yourself, with very little to no good fortune. If you have any left on Day 4 I will be surprised.
For clownfish, live, phytoplankton stuffed rotifers are the way to go.


Keep us posted... I would love to see a pic... Want to do this myself some day....


Good Luck!
It must be very rewarding to have your fish not only thrive but reproduce! It is also nice to know that for every fish we can tank raise, there is another that is saved for the reef


Oh no!!!!

I am sorry for your loss...
So what happend?

Also... this might be a dumb question but do you put the mom in the tank with them or by themselves? Would she eat them?
Better luck next time I guess, Hey did you perhaps take any pictures? Wondering about how little and what not they were!!!
Have a good one :happyfish


I have raised clowns several times. Mom has been laying eggs for a year and half. I keep a bucket of rotifers outside they must have died in the winter. ( the book said they would come back after the winter, they did not) Make a long story short i have a new job and work a lot less hours so that the reason i started to breed again. I didnt have any rotifers so i tried something different. Now i do, Like i said she has been laying eggs for a year and a half in my 265, the tangs loved them, They call that the circle of life.