Away we go...


I bought my new 75 yesterday. I'm so psyched. But my question is this: I bought an AGA tank with the predrilled corner over flow. Its drilled for the inlet and outlet to come out of the bottom of the tank in the same corner. I'm thinking about plugging one of the holes and moving the return to the far corner of the tank for better water movement or using a spray bar. Or would it be better to buy the I/O assembly from the factory? ANy experience with these? Any Ideas?

Active Member
clownfish how does the foot taest as for the tank i am not sure but would like to say congrats on the new tank.

nm reef

Active Member
Congrads on the new display...sounds like a reef waitin' to happen. I'm not positive but I'd think you could route your return however you'd like. Even split it so the origional return was used along with another on the opposite end. Shouldn't be too difficult to do.