awkward growth on my new live rock!


I bought some live rocked yesterday and placed it in the water. Lastnight before shutting the lights off i noticed a large toad thing move on my rock. Thinking i was just tired and seeing things (being that earlier i had touched that specific spot and it's hard as the rock). This morning though after doing my water test i accidently let the lid slam shut, and the toad looking thing moved from jutting out on the rock to being almost flush against it. Now it looks as if its attached on the inside, but can anyone tell me what it is?!


haha that's's a clam attached to your rock. it's a good thing. it'll sift the water in your tank. i use to have a bunch of them all over a rock until my heater cooked my tank a few years ago.


thanks! I posted this post in the new Hobbyist forum, and i got some funny reactions!
so do i need to feed this any special food? I would rather it not dye on me, im very intrigued by it


i got 2 scarlet hermits yesterday, very big and one of them had something very similar attached to its shell, closed when i got close or touched it, mine looks like a oyster of some kind, but im guessing a mussel


Originally Posted by vsecret
thanks! I posted this post in the new Hobbyist forum, and i got some funny reactions!
so do i need to feed this any special food? I would rather it not dye on me, im very intrigued by it

you can if you want to but i never did anything to feed them. they did just fine. they sift nitrates in the water i believe. i could be wrong though.