Can I just say.... what a turnout on this thread!
Three of my most influential mentors Thomas, Kip & broomer
Thomas - yes I've had quite the hiatus. I was busy actually playing with a tank and doing different tests/talking to fellow reefers. Then I got wrapped up modding on another forum. I figured it was time to get back to my roots and see if I could gain more knowledge (which of course was true) and help some other people out.
Yes, I have quite the chiton population. They always come out at night. I've even been able to catch the rare few to give to fellow local reefers. The tank is great. I've gone from about 50lbs. of dead rock to 150 of crazy life - rock. I've been able to add tons of live diversity to my rock. I also have upped my skimmer and added a nice fuge. This weekend I'm building a Ca/CO2 reactor- which should make things better. Oh, I'm rambling again.
Thanks for asking though Thomas!