B-Ionic Question


New Member
I just bought the gallon sized cases of B-ionic which is actually two 1-gallon sized jugs with the 2 part formula. They were each only half-full, and the guy at the LFS told me to add RO water to each one until the liquid level reached the line on the side of the jugs. Since the bottles did not say anything about this dilution, I wasa skeptical. I bought them and then wondered if the store was doing this to save money. So is this standard procedure or did I get screwed? Thanks in advance


you should ask another person. was the container opened before you bought it? seals broken? holes?


A gallon is a gallon. I bought the smaller size bottles they were filled to the top!This stuff is not like cereal that settles during shipping.
I would talk to the owner of the shop and see what the deal is.


New Member
you have to fill to the line on the side of the jug with RO water. I bought the gallon jugs and thats what the directions said, trust me. ;)