B-Ionic Where Do You Get It??


Where is a good place to buy the B-Ionic? I have searched this site and the doctors site with no luck.
I did a google search and found it but I don't like to buy from anyone I have never heard of.


Active Member
There are a few good online sites that sell B-Ionic but board policy prohibits naming them here.


I got mine off of ----. It was a great price as well. I see that you are in Chattanooga. I live in Cleveland and the guy I got mine from was local and I didn't know it until we did the whole shipping thing. If I can find the link to his online store I'll e-mail it to you.


Ok you got my attention KIP. Tell me more please.
Your the reason I was looking for the B-Ionic
I have read your other post talking about using baking soda and baking soda baked at 300 degrees.
In that post you were saying to use the baking soda to get everything in line then use a two part system like B-Ionic
Heres the link
Ok now is this the same thing? Is this kinda like the pickel lime?
Is it to early for me at only 7 weeks going on 8 to even worry about this yet?
I just really like to research the hell out of everything and this board has so many good answers and I like to plan ahead and be prepaired (well except the QT tank thing that I learned about after the fact from this board), also that way I can purchase things a little at a time instead of one chunk.
Thanks as allways


Active Member
Baking Soda= Raises Alk and lowers pH
Cooked Baking Soda= Raises Alk and raises pH
Dow Flake= Raises Cal
Kalkwasser= Maintains Alk/Cal but will not raise it
If you don't have any calcifying corals that consume Cal/Alk then you can get away with regular water changes to maintain sufficent levels of Cal/Alk.