baby batfish has coating


hello! :D
I have a one inch batfish who has had a clear coating (semi-white) on and off. I've had him for 3 weeks, and took him in after 1 for the same thing, but to a lesser degree. My fish store says it's just excess stress.
I accidentally forgot to turn my UV Filter on Sunday after cleaning the tank and now he has it behind his head (gill area) and it's on his nose and starting to turn his eyes blue. He was excited as usual last night, but today he is not swimming much at all.
I hate to drop such a little guy in ich treatment if it's unnecessary, but now think the UV Filter has simply warded it off all this time. Should I put him in my treatment tank?
It comes off of him like it's a film, but is not bumpy, nor is he. It's got a white tinge to it and is not imbedded in him, but on him. It's only on his body right now, not his fins. He is not scratching and the water quality is great. My other fish appear fine so far. :notsure:
Thanks for your advice! :jumping:
Fishy1 :joy:


Active Member
I don't know exactly what the problem is that your bat is dealing with. I would post this in the disease forum and with a pic if you can.


what size tank do you have? batfish are one of the hardest fish to keep. they need a really high instead of long tank and it needs to be huge. he's prob stressed because the tank is too small for him. and how long has your tank been up? they need a very well established tank-i would say up and running a year or more.
I would take him back to the store.


hello! :D
Fishy1 here,
I've actually already had 2 batfish, the last one was 10" and died when we moved. I've had this tank for 2 years and move them to a bigger one when they get to 6" or so. I don't have much problem with them usually.
I think he had this problem when I bought him three weeks ago, but my UV Filter has been staving it off. He looks like the photo attached from the disease forum.
He is eating well, has no discoloration other than the area around his head where this is, which has the whiteish coating. He is usually active all day, but has slowed down and started breathing faster the last couple of days. The UV Filter is on again and he is getting more active, which leads me to believe it is not sloughing. What do you think?
The tank has a clown and that's all right now as far as fish go (we lost some when we moved). There are crabs, starfish an anenome and lots of live rock that's sprouting life I've never seen. That's all.
He is in my 46 gallon tank for now, which has been up and running for 2 years.
I vary the diet, from squid to shrimp to live shrimp to emerald entree. I sometimes add additional bacteria for filter feeders that has to be refridgerated, but have not done so since I bought him.
He is the last fish I added, three weeks ago. As stated earlier, I saw this after buying him and took him in for examination, they said he was producing extra film. It now looks more like an infection to me and is not "falling off" his body like it was. See pic. to match this desc.
I did not put him in my quarantine tank initially because the pet store had him for at least two weeks before I bought him and he looked healthy. I have a quarantine tank and it's ready, but what treatment???
My ammonia level is at 0
Nitrate 0
Nitrate .2
PH is 8.2
Salinity is 31.5
Temperature is 80
Please help!
(See Pic.)
Thanks for you help,
Fishy1 :happyfish


The disease forum is not responding at all yet and I do have a tall tank for him right now.
Fishy1 :happyfish