Baby bonnetheads


Active Member
What are the dimensions of the pool? Do you have any pics? I know several places that carrry bonnetheads... even some tank raised. But they are very picky about who they sell to and will drill you with questions to test your knowledge. They just appreciate it if I get questions answered before I give out their name and number.


I know of two places that have baby bonnets, one of them is probably the same as cincy's and yes they will grill you as to your system and experience. This isn't a bad thing though as it takes some experience and dedication to keep sharks long term. The other supplier is a wholesaler from Florida that has tank bred bonnets, however, they will only sale to pet shops and aquariums. I got my bonnet from these folks due to the fact that I have had dealings with them from my public aquarium days. Good luck but be very prepared for the commitment that is absolutely required to care for a shark.:happyfish
My Shark Pool


New Member
Thanks everyone. We are making an addition and making my basement extremely larger. So, I was looking at your pond, mattiej. And I am going to make a very large pond like yours. I was wondering wha tthe dimensions are in your pond and how you created it. I was thinkin around a 18000 gallon pond or so like yours. I would like ot know all the details on how you made it. Thankyou!


New Member
Hey its me again, well I dont think im gonna go for a 18000. But I;m jus gonna go fora 3000, only a lil smaller lol. But again can you tell me how you built it, etc.


Active Member
There are several ways to build them. This is an excellent board when it comes to people experienced with building/keeping shark tanks and sharks. Especially when there are two members that post rather frequently in Novice150 and Mattiej who have two different style setups, both of which make good homes for sharks. I'll see if I can't bump a thread I made awhile ago.


New Member
Off the original question but same topic of shark tanks/ponds. On this site in the DIY section there's a dude who built a 1700 gallon sharktank in his basement & he lists his plans, how-to & website.
Yesterday I said to someone, 'hey good luck w/that new kitten' so today I'm saying to you 'hey good luck w/that shark'


The pool in the pics are of my quarantine system that is about 2500 gallons. The main pool is in another part of the garage and is the grand daddy at 18000 gallons. I hope to have some pics of the main system up soon ( had a small accident w/ camera- seems they hate saltwater). The QT is a 10 foot diameter, three foot deep swimming pool that I slightly modified to suit my needs. The main pool is a combination of wood and cinder block construction using two 40 mil pond liners. I began by building the basic structure with common cinder block. The demensions are 25 feet long by 18 feet wide by 4.5 feet deep. I used marine grade plywood as a support for the two liners that went in last. I had debated about using two part epoxy but was able to get an excellent deal on the liners. Having two is a safety feature in case one should tear.
The outside of the pool was finished with some nice faux limestone rocks that make the pool appear as if its a large "tide pool", this is a great effect to see. The corners of the pool are in about a 30 degree arc so there are no sharp corners for the shark to get caught in (most free swimming sharks such as the bonnet can not back up).
The filtering system for the display is in another room that was a later addition to the house. This system includes a very large wet/dry, sand filters, three 2.5 hp Jacuzzi pumps, two large protein skimmers, and various probes.


New Member
Wow, I really want to see your 18000 matiej. Soudns awesome. The basement shouldnt be done for about 4 or 5 mos so I got a lot of time for planning. I think I will keep researching and come up with a way I'm gonan do this. Thanks!