baby cleaner shrimp


I just watched my cleaner shrimp release her babies. I collected as many as IU could. right now they are in a quart jar until I can get a breeder net setup in the tank. hopefully they will survive.
It was really cool to watch her release the babies.
Do you have two cleaners, or did you just get it, or are you breeding them, I think that is just the best, I want one of my fish to have babies!


I have 2 cleaner shrimp. this is the second time the shrimp have released babies.
I am not too confident that they will survive. I will have to see. They lasted one day so far. I moved them back into the main tank in a breeder net. I added some phytoplankton. we will see how it goes.


I think all of the babies are gone. I can't find any of them. I put them in a breeding net in my main tank. They all disappeared.
oh well, maybe next time.