baby feather duster?


New Member
I've been observing one of my LV really close lately. It seems that theres a tiny featherduster coming out of a tiny hole. I would take a picture of it, but hes too small right now. I can see the 'tube' and the head of it everyonce in awhile.
Is my diagnosis right?


Active Member
is it white? if so it's probably those mini-duster things. They spread quite well and are pretty but will always remain that small size (crown about the size of a pencil eraser). They are not babies of full size hawaian type feather dusters, but are their own unique cute lil thing :D


New Member
He basically blends in w/ the rock so I say a darker brown. Cute little guy :)
I do have a larger feather in there and looks like him but really tiny. I'll try and grab a pic of him today but hes a little elusive :)
Thanks for the reply!


Active Member
Sounds like the small feather duster. I have hundreds in my tank. They are white, brown, black and even mixtures of colors.