baby hippo has slight ick, what about other fish?


Active Member
I had him for a good two months now and notcied yesterday he has a little ick (few spots)
The QT tank is being prepared right now and he will be introduced to the qt later tonight...
Will my other fish get ick too? i have a pair of perc clowns, green clown goby, and a yellow goby......
i can't understand why this happened... he loves the tank, very active, hes the king of the tank, always eating too..
water is perfect and nitrates are under 20..... I keep my temp at about 78-9, should i raise it? does it have anything to do w/ ick?
ok, well thanx for th help, i really hope i do the hypo right, i love this fish.........


what is the sizee of your tank? sorry to say but the hippos are one of the more ick prone tangs. to answer your question about whether if your other fish will get ick or not. whos to say? but i believe ick is free floating in the water so its likely that they could get it. youre doing the right thing by getting the QT tank as quick as possible tho. good luck, hope he makes it


Active Member
me too... its a 70 gallon tall... the hippo is 2 inches... all the fish are small and hes very active, and always eats... sleeps in the same peice of coral every night....
70 lbs of lr and ls also


ok i was just makin sure u didnt have him in a 30g or somethin. i would just get him in QT asap and hope treatment goes well. are you going to do hyposalinity? i would reccommend that over copper.


Active Member
def doing the hyposalinity.... i just hope my other fish are not in danger.....
i mean, if they don't get ick, and i wait 4 weeks till the hippo gets better, will the hippo get ick soon as i put him back in the display tank?


Active Member
bump to the experts... i'm very upset about this.... any help is greatly appreciated


Well ich is always( most of the time) in the water column. When the fish gets stressed its immune system gets lowered and ich attacks. Feed with garlic, try uv sterilizer, maker sure temp is right, and lower your nitrates. Do a water change to lower the parameters. My tank went up to 85 deg for 2 days and now is back down. My regal had ich then once the temp came down it went away.


some people say a higher temp (like 82) will help fight ich. i myself dont know, and i dont think there has been any actual studies proving that higher temps fight ich? JMO


Active Member
thanx a lot man.... its weird though, now he only has one spot on him, i'll wait till tomorrow to see what happens, and i raised the temp to 82 :happyfish


Staff member
Odd that you have had this fish for two months and you are just now noticing ich.
Can you post a picture?


Active Member
i guess i can take a pic tomorrow... now he only has a small white dot on his lateral fin... and i inspect my fish daily for any signs of diesease...


Staff member
I'd like to see a picture if possible. Has there only been one spot, or several? Are you going to treat with hyposalinity?


Active Member
i'll get a pic tomorrow... he had several spots yesterday, maybe 7 on one side, 3 on the other.... today he has just one on his lateral fin... i'm going to wait till tomorrow afternoon and check him out....
i will perform hyposalinity if he still has any spots, my qt is ready to go...


Active Member
If there are only a few spots and they go away in only a day or two, it is possible that these are only sand granules.
I have a hippo which had a definite case of ich two years ago. I treated the whole tank with hypo and have not added any fish without quarantining since. Every so often, particularly if I have done some internal cleaning and disturbed the sand bed, I will see a few spots on the hippo. I have learned to ignore these.
I have never noticed similar spots on my other fish. I think that this is more noticable on hippo tangs because white sand granules show up well with their coloration. In addition, hippos love to squeeze in tight places where newly moved sand granules are likely to become attached.
Sand granules usually appear coarser than salt grains. Individual spots do not enlarge. Most spots do not persist beyond 1-2 days. If these conditions exist in your tank, I would continue to observe your fish.


Active Member
nice.... well i really hope that is what it is.... today he has not one visible spot! i just hope it wasn't the ick falling off and now ready to go full force... but idk... time will tell

thanx for the help


Active Member
dam..................... well as of this moment he has not one spot on him... hope this isn't the ick layin eggs.........


Active Member
Originally Posted by drea
dam..................... well as of this moment he has not one spot on him... hope this isn't the ick layin eggs.........
It's ICH not ick. And I hope he doesn't have it. Ha! ICH or ICK. Just had to say it.