Baby hippo question????


I just bought a baby hippo tang the other day.
He's the size of a quarter but anyway I have a question.
I just put him in my tank with my yellow tang and my coral beauty.
And i was just wondering will the yellow tang or the coral beauty bother a baby hippo?
Are they aggressive at all?
Because I noticed my baby hippo likes to swim right along side of my yellow tang all the time like it's his mom or something.LOL :D


Staff member
That could always happen, but I had a baby hippo [who grew very fast] in with a yellow tang and a coral beauty. There wasn't any problem until the hippo was about 2yr, then he started swording the coral beauty!
One think about baby hippos...they love to lodge in rocks. So if you ever have reason to take a rock out of your tank, be sure that your hippo doesn't go with your rock. Mine did once while I was cleaning a dead coralhead. Thank goodness I realized it and got him back in the tank!


I sure hope you have these two tangs together in a tank larger than 29 gallons.
Anyways, I have had two hippos now, gave the larger one to a friend of mine because he was a little big, and my new one which is smaller than a quarter do the same thing. They swim next to anyone in the tank hoping they will become friends.