Baby Jellyfish


Just about an hour ago I noticed about 2 dozen baby Jellyfish swimming around in my 10G. Tidewater Tank. The tank is fully cycled but fallow right now and only stocked with shrimps, hermits, barnacles, and crabs. I have some nice peices of LR in there as well. Has anyone had this happen before? I am going to try to keep them alive awhile to observe their behavior. I feed them some Kent Micro Vert. Does anyone know if this could keep them alive for awhile? If not, any suggestions?
In the meantime I will do a search and see what comes up.


Yep! They appear to be the Medusa variety, with 8 tenticles. They look very much like the "birdie" used in badmitten. They are still alive and growing. Pretty cool stuff IMO.


Active Member
If it's a tidewater tank i'm assuming you can do water changes w/ NSW. That sould have everything you need right in the water.


I seeded the tank with NSW. I am only using Instant Ocean now. I also do a Kalk drip for make up water. Can't use NSW anymore because I don't want to chance an Ich outbreak.