Well-Known Member
Yikes! I brought home a coral frag today ($5.00 zoo frag, about 15 heads) and I did an iodine dip on it. Glad I did! The first thing that scooted out was an amphipod...or so I thought. I sucked him up with the intention of freeing him into the seahorse tank as food, but when I saw him in the glass baster I realized what I had: a 1/4 inch long mantis shrimp! Not something I would have liked to find in my seahorse tank later on down the road!
Are zoo frags typically pest-laden? I've dipped every one I've ever gotten, and SOMEthing always crawls out.
Are zoo frags typically pest-laden? I've dipped every one I've ever gotten, and SOMEthing always crawls out.