Baby mantis shrimp


Well-Known Member
Yikes! I brought home a coral frag today ($5.00 zoo frag, about 15 heads) and I did an iodine dip on it. Glad I did! The first thing that scooted out was an amphipod...or so I thought. I sucked him up with the intention of freeing him into the seahorse tank as food, but when I saw him in the glass baster I realized what I had: a 1/4 inch long mantis shrimp! Not something I would have liked to find in my seahorse tank later on down the road!

Are zoo frags typically pest-laden? I've dipped every one I've ever gotten, and SOMEthing always crawls out.


Well-Known Member
It was a common brown Atlantic mantis, and it was somewhere around 1/4 inch long. Also don't forget I'm in the process of breaking down tanks, not adding new ones, so......I think you know what I did with it, do I really need to say it out loud?
I'll say this much: it was quick and painless. :-/


Originally Posted by novahobbies
It was a common brown Atlantic mantis, and it was somewhere around 1/4 inch long. Also don't forget I'm in the process of breaking down tanks, not adding new ones, so......I think you know what I did with it, do I really need to say it out loud?
I'll say this much: it was quick and painless. :-/
it seems like everytime I take one down.....something happens and I have to put one back up

I got rid of the damsel also was painless :(
BUT I have the 10G still up...with some LR, couple of snails, and Kenya tree...LOL...I keep throwing all my excess in there now


Well-Known Member
LOL Hey I know the feeling. I'm moving though, so there's really no way I can set up another tank. As it is, it's really bummin me out that I have to break down the big tank and sell the livestock, but sometimes you just have to suck it up and deal with it. At least I'll be able to keep my seahorse tank with me when I go.