Baby Midas Blenny


Active Member
I just received one today and he/she is in the QT right now. Poor thing is so small (medium I guess in size) compared to the one we had before.
I acclimated him to the QT and went to see him an hour later. He was hiding in one of the bottom corners and I could see a blue eye peeking at me. I put in some spirulina flakes and as soon as the first little flake went by him he charged after it. He was eating well so I'm happy now.
I'll try to get a picture of him later tonight.


Active Member
Ok, thanks for the heads up. I had done a search and it seems everyone has them in larger tanks, so I wouldn't want to chance it. Love the midas blenny though


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
why are you feeding spirulina (blue/green cyno algae) flakes to a carnivore?
Actually Midas Blenny is an omnivore.
Unlike most blennies, the Midas Blenny requires a meaty diet including finely chopped crustacean flesh, mysis and vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, along with frozen herbivorous preparations, micro and blue-green algae.
I feed home made meaty food in the evening and I wanted to see if he is going to be a difficult first feeder.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Actually Midas Blenny is an omnivore.
well your right but they are BARELY omnivores. their natural habitat/behavior dictate they eat mostly zooplankton. they dont normally pick at rocks or actively persue grazing. mine always ignored the green stuff. but since they are omnivores eating is good


Active Member
It's not like I'm going to be feeding him algae only. It was first feeding and my objective was to get him to eat and he did. That's all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
It's not like I'm going to be feeding him algae only. It was first feeding and my objective was to get him to eat and he did. That's all.
dont mine me, I'm just being a pain as usual
where's the pics. they are one of my favorite fish as far as personality.


Active Member
Waiting to put my twins to bed shortly and then I can start hunting him down with a camera
Last I took a look at him, he was hiding in the front corner with just 1 blue eye above the plastic.


Active Member
He gave me a good scare this morning. I turn on the lights and a few minutes later he shows up and is swimming in front of the glass, waiting for food. I look at him and I could swear that I saw a tiny, shiny speck on top of his head. ICK! that was my first reaction and I was about to start lowering salinity right away. Phone rang and I went to answer.. come back 10 minutes later and the speck is gone. Oh well, must have been some of the little specs that were floating in the water.
I'm definitely going to keep a close eye on this little fellow and act quickly if need be.


New Member
My midas is my favorite fish. He has so much personality. He is always out & about. He eats everything. You will really enjoy Missy. I would have more than one if I could.


What happened to your first midas blenny? Did it jump?
Your new lady is very stylish. Good luck with her. My midas is my very favorite fish ever. . . .


Active Member
Originally Posted by OceanLover
What happened to your first midas blenny? Did it jump?
Your new lady is very stylish. Good luck with her. My midas is my very favorite fish ever. . . .
I had a total holocaust in the big tank that wiped out every single fish very quickly. I'm still trying to figure out what started it, but there was ick, fin rot and brookynella. There was ick in our 55 when we took it down. Fish went to QT for treatment and rock went into the big tank. That tank had it's first inhabitants in about 4 weeks later. I had also brought in a ton of corals from different users and at last one of them had ick. I just did not think far enough and didn't QT those rocks/corals.
Trying to hunt down fish in the big tank was not fun and I will NOT do that again. I cried so much when I lost the fish, not for the money I lost, but seeing them suffering and not being able to help.
I swore that not a single fish will now go into the big tank until mid September which will have the tank fishless for 7 weeks. By that time Midas has been in the QT for 3 weeks and is ready to go. My part-time LFS (it's his hobby and he imports corals) has the second fish in his QT now (Yellow Belly Hippo) and I can 100% trust him that no other fish goes into that tank.


Active Member
Aww that midas is so cute. My LFS said theyd take me on a waiting list for one but in the like 20 years theyve been open, the owner says they had em like 5 times. Great odds huh?


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Aww that midas is so cute. My LFS said theyd take me on a waiting list for one but in the like 20 years theyve been open, the owner says they had em like 5 times. Great odds huh?
Yeah they don't come available on those lists very often. My source gets them directly from the collectors. I've had 3 different LFS's try to get them and there has never been success. They may show up on the list, but when they call to inquire, Midas never arrived as planned or they were already out of stock.


I love the baby midas! I have a medium one and love him. His personality is so apparent its awesome! One of my favorite in my tank!
... probably would have preferred a smaller one to start!