Baby Parakeet Sexing


Active Member
I am very confused why a breeder would sell you a bird & tell you it is a baby when it is not (Green)
All I can think of is we were very adamant about getting babies. This way he gave us what we wanted (or you know what I mean??)
1)If you have a male & female they will mate & lay eggs. This will lead to chronic egg laying & can cause some major health issues in the female.

I thought I read that it is hard to get them breeding?? I'm NOT ready to try and raise newborns... :notsure:
2)If both birds are the same ---, one will become dominant & can injure the other. It usually starts out by plucking of the headfeathers & can get worse.

I will watch this close. We will start thinking through having two.
Thanks a bunch!! Would it be better to only have one IF they do not get a LOT of attention? This was my main concern.


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Originally Posted by reefkprZ
here are geogia and peach the two newest additions to my zoo. (no I didnt name them)
Those are nice looking... they are cockatiels?


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btw hoya, the birds can "jump" and fly up about 2 feet before gliding back down. Do you think they need their wings clipped again??


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My friend started out with a lovebird a few years ago.
Now she has a lovebird, and adopted scarlet macaw, blue & gold macaw, and Timneh African Grey


Yes they are I had a 3rd bedroom that was turned into an indoor flight aviary that had 3 breeding pairs of cockateils, 6 breeding pairs of parakeets , 2 breeding pairs of java rice finches, and 2 pair of buton quail to keep the Floor clean.
also had a breeding pair of quacker parakeets, breeding pair of gouldians, breeding pair of eurpean gold finches, breeding pair of red factor canaries, and a breeding pair of orange weavers.
They are very easy to breed and are not a problem of over breeding The finches are the ones you have to watch out for. MOST birds will not breed unles there is a breedign box or somewhere to lay the eggs. sometimes they will anyway without one but its not an everday occurance.
hoya, any thoughts??
you mean birdmom right


Active Member
hoya = birdmom?? not surprising I guess.
Mike, will you please give me your opinion on this??
Would it be better to only have one IF they do not get a LOT of attention?

I can't help but to think they would appreciate the company.


I have never had a problem houseing 2 males or 2 females in the same cage. in fact mst parakeet species in the wild are very communal birds with flocks in rather LARGE numbers.


Active Member
I to have previously housed 5 at a time of mixed sexes without chronic egg laying (in fact they never laid once in three years) they do good in groups as long as the cage is big enough. 2x3x4 feet with daytime free range never had any problems.


Active Member
Thanks a bunch... we are working all day the kids are in school and as I said summer is comming. We get them out most of everynight but that still leaves a lot of time being in the cage.