Baby pencil Urchin?


Went to go get a drink late last night, and decided to turn on the kitchen light to see if I could see anything crawling around in my tank. I took a look at one of my live rocks, and found a small animal slowly crawling across it. Since I don't have a digi-camera to take a photo of him, I'll try to describe him as best as I can to you... it was smaller than a dime, and it had a lot of small spikes coming off it, but not all around it. The spikes kind of just went around it like a belt or something, and from the top it's 'body' was blackish with the spikes being a light brown. I thought I could also see some light tentacles above the spikes coming off the body, but I'm not sure. It moved about as quickly as one of my cerinth snails, and hid in a small hole. I can still see some of the spikes.
Now, I don't have any urchins in my tank, and I haven't added any live rock in almost 2 months. Where'd this guy come from, and what is he?


Go to and see if you can identify it from their invertibrates section, they have alot of critters that look like they could be what your talking about.