Baby Peppermints!!!

nano reefer

Active Member
2 of my 3 peppermints are pregnant! They have been for about 3 weeks. anyone know how long it will be (approximately) for the babies to be born? When they are born will they be eaten by the shrimp or my 2 clownish? I don't know what to when they are born! All info please!!!


Active Member
This is very very common in shrimp and you will not successfully have offspring in a typical tank. They are basically just a natural food source.


Active Member
Unfortunately the shrimp have a free-swimming stage in their lifecycle called a nauplius that will most likely not survive the impellors on your pumps.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Unfortunately the shrimp have a free-swimming stage in their lifecycle called a nauplius that will most likely not survive the impellors on your pumps.



Umm.. I don't think you're going to be able to raise them, as noted above they have a free swim stage and they don't survive the impellers on the water pumps. Maybe you could try a set up with a well established sponge filter... then you will have to invest in some special live food I would imagine... more trouble than what it's worth IMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx

Ok lil Miss "I can name every bump on a starfish."

burn. its gonna go down.

nano reefer

Active Member
OK, here is what i came up with...
Set up a little 1 gallon "goldfish bowl" with i tiny bit of sand and maybe piece of rock. Use an air pump with an air stone.Put the parent shrimps in there. When the eggs are laid... well that is how far i got. Do i have to take out the parents? Do the parents have to stay? I really want these guys to hatch and live!


Active Member
You are not the first - you can do a search, but the reality is that it is just something that takes more effort than it is worth. It is REALLY common for these shrimp to carry eggs - and it is just normal added food for the tank.
I would say the odds of killing your shrimp are high if putting them in such a system.

nano reefer

Active Member
oh, ok. So if i wanted to breed them i would have to have a "shrimp only" tank. Oh well, it sounded like it would be cool. If they had like 50 babies i could make a small fortune off of them.

nano reefer

Active Member
Is there even the slightest chance maybe 1 or 2 will survive if i keep them in my little cube? I mean, 2 well fed clowns can only do so much damage.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nano Reefer
Is there even the slightest chance maybe 1 or 2 will survive if i keep them in my little cube? I mean, 2 well fed clowns can only do so much damage.
And your filters will do the rest of the damage :)

salt monger

nano reefer, i have a 75 gal dt with about 125lbs of live rock. i have 2 cleaner shrimp. ans i suppose shrimp are asexual, because they are both always carrying eggs... they've layed countless batches of eggs. once i even saw one of them release the fry... it started a major feeding frenzy... but the moral of this story is with all those thousands of shrimplettes that have been layed in there, i've never seen one shrimp other than the 2 i bought..... but good luck to you every first is accomplished by people who have been told that it can't be done....


Active Member
I believe it can be done, but it requires special tanks (more along the Kriesel tank design) as well as probably cultures of appropriate size food for the larvae.
Meaning not in a goldfish bowl :(