Baby Peppermints!!!

Originally Posted by Nano Reefer
should i set up a little QT before the eggs are laid?
ok i assume that the eggs will be laid on a rock or clump of sand just as kind of an experiment you could take that piece of rock and put it im some kind of rubber maid container and see if they hatch and survive



Active Member
Originally Posted by Nano Reefer
2 of my 3 peppermints are pregnant! They have been for about 3 weeks. anyone know how long it will be (approximately) for the babies to be born? When they are born will they be eaten by the shrimp or my 2 clownish? I don't know what to when they are born! All info please!!!
I would just put them in one of those 8 x5 inch breeder net squares that hang on the side of your tank. Put a little rock rubble and seaweed/algea in there and see if they make it. Nemo will eat every single one just like he did my seahorses!


the eggs are not laid they are carried until they hatch and then mom just "fluffs" them into the water and they are basicly on their own. I have two peps and both are carrying eggs and have been for a month. I don't know the guestation period but if you watch closely you will see them turn colors as they develop. I have also had a pregnant pistol shrimp. I agree with most people that the chances of success are slim in your DT(power filters and such). I think a seperate tank with a sponge filter could work, but it sounds labor intensive. You might try hatching and raising some brine shrimp for practice. I've done this in a container in my DT with success. All you need is an air stone and filter feeder food.(the DT supplys the light and temp control) It's kind of like floating a bag of fish for acclimation only with a open top. Good luck


Active Member
also google
How To Raise & Train
Your Peppermint Shrimp
by April Kirkendoll
you can buy this book for about 12 bucks.


Active Member
Be careful of doing anything in this hobby for profit. It generally ends up costing more money than it produces


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Be careful of doing anything in this hobby for profit. It generally ends up costing more money than it produces

99.999999999% of the time it does.....


Active Member
I've been able to raise fresh water ghost shrimp. Different from your situation, of course - but pretty similar in most ways, I'll bet.
I had the best luck placing the moms in a seperate tank untill the babies were free swimming. I then collected the babies with a straw or siphon and moved them into a 2 liter bottle with nothing but a few plants for them to hide in - no substrate, filter, etc - and did small water changes daily. I fed them small portions of live, baby brine shrimp and finely crushed flake food.
It is kind of fun and interesting, but the time and dedication will take it's toll - trust me


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nano Reefer
Is there even the slightest chance maybe 1 or 2 will survive if i keep them in my little cube? I mean, 2 well fed clowns can only do so much damage.
You might consider using a bubbler like i do in my baby brine shrimp hatchery. Use light and keep temp around 75, and feed to.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
You might consider using a bubbler like i do in my baby brine shrimp hatchery. Use light and keep temp around 75, and feed to.
The water movement from a bubbler may be too much for the little guys, though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MX#28
The water movement from a bubbler may be too much for the little guys, though.
Really???How much smaller than baby brine can ya get


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Really???How much smaller than baby brine can ya get

Not smaller as much as more fragile. Bigger doesn’t always mean less prone to damage – just the opposite in many cases. Again, my experience is limited to the freshwater ghost shrimp, but I was surprised how easily these guys were tossed around and found that my only success was with a barren setup.


My pepermint shrimp gave birth in front of my eyes , late one night, when I wasn't expecting anything ....... all of the fish were resting, until they got a whiff of the shrimp....... consider it a cheap meal, or a midnight snack. IMO you will not be able to keep them alive. Somethings aren't meant too be. Sucks, but accept it. Good luck.