Baby Shrimp


The cleaner shrimp in my nano tank must have bred because there are about 30 or so tiny tiny shrimp swimming in a corner. Is there something I should be feeding them to keep them alive?


From what i have read (dont know from experiance) is that the other fish in your tank will end up eating them unless they are netted and put into a species only tank


Only coral and a lawnmower blenny in my nano so I think I should be good...I took a closer look and there has to be close to 50 or so of them so if any survive I will have to transfer them to another tank.


Active Member
I have some cleaner shrimp that really go after it and I have not seen the cleaner shrimp NOT carrying eggs for a very long time. She is always carrying eggs.
I did a little research about trying to grow them......forget it. The set up it took to raise baby cleaner shrimp, well that was an entirely different hobby.
just do some google searches about raising cleaner shrimp and I am sure you will find what I did and come to the same conclusion I did