Baby steps... looking for feedback


So... I've been in and out of the hobby due to moving around a lot for the last couple of years and a tour in Iraq. It's been an interesting life but finally I'm in my own home and I'm ready to build a nice setup in my office.
I'm building a drilled 90 (All Glass Megaflow). I bought the kit and put it all together a week or so ago. I dumped the majority of the overflow kit provided and replumbed it myself with real PVC fittings. Not only is it quieter than the store's display tank but it's flowing a little better.
I elected to go with a wet dry which I've removed the bio balls and will opt in live rock there. Yes I know it's not a fuge but maybe someone here can convince me that it's really necessary.
I've got a Coralife Needle Wheel Skimmer, Coralife Turbo Twist UV Sterilizer and I've ordered a Coralife Aqualight Pro light system (Dual 250W DE 10K HQI's and Dual 96W actinic with the moon LED's).
Yes I know that sounds like a Coralife advert but alas I have no affiliation...
After purchasing all of this and setting it all up I've decided to go ahead and order my live rock from here. I cannot find a LFS that I really like to purchase what I would consider good liverock from so I ordered myself 100 pounds from here. That should be plenty to get started and I've used SWF live rock in the past and liked it.
So my question is what should I stock this puppy with for maximum impact?
I know everyone has different taste and that it's really ultimately up to me but over the course of the next year I'd like to stock it with a few clowns and an anemone for my girlfriend... that's her favorite combo ever.
I'm more interested in doing some SPS and Clams. Do you think the lighting is sufficient for a 90 gallon to do SPS and Clams? I think that it should be fine but I wanted some other opinions.
Also I'd like to get some baselines for good test kits, what people consider "good levels" and what the latest and greatest food is.
I'm really trying to gather some information from those of you that are in the "know" right now. This hobby changes rapidly and I know that hence my asking for your input.
I've already put 180 pounds of live sand in the tank for a 4 inch base and right now its running with a quad 96 watt PC light setup that I got for 90 bucks. I've already seen a spike to indicate a cycle but I think it's still a little early for that...
So.... bring on the feedback.
I know this is kind of open ended just looking to get some discussions going on the tank and find some people who are willing to share some of their wisdom.


Active Member
the fuge isn't "necessary", but it's definitely a good thing. all you have to do is put some macroalgae in and a $15 shop light from Lowe's over it and it'll keep phosphates down. so really, I don't see why you wouldn't do it. otherwise, you've just got LR in there which is really no better than having just the bioballs.
the lights sound good to me. though I've personally got no experience keeping clams.
good readings:
ph 8.2
ammonia 0
phosphates as close to 0 as possible
calcium 400-500
alk 5-10 (the higher the better)
nitrite 0
nitrate as low as possible


Originally Posted by Pontius
the fuge isn't "necessary", but it's definitely a good thing. all you have to do is put some macroalgae in and a $15 shop light from Lowe's over it and it'll keep phosphates down. so really, I don't see why you wouldn't do it. otherwise, you've just got LR in there which is really no better than having just the bioballs.
the lights sound good to me. though I've personally got no experience keeping clams.
good readings:
ph 8.2
ammonia 0
phosphates as close to 0 as possible
calcium 400-500
alk 5-10 (the higher the better)
nitrite 0
nitrate as low as possible
Well I might go ahead and build a fuge then... I wish there was a place I could just buy one that's pre-made that is recommended by people here...
...anyone know of a good manufacturer?


Actually the girlfriend told me that my Reefkeeper2 arrived tonight :)
Gonna install it...
Any feedback on a prebuilt Sump?


Tested my levels today...
PH: 8.3
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Ca: 380 ppm
I really only tested Calcium to see the test kit work...
I still need to do the Harndess/Alk test in a few mins but things are looking good!!
I think I'm going to add some live rock today!


Welp Calcium was a little low and Alk is a little high... might hold off on the live rock and do another water change to see where we are after that...
Funny how I'm getting no feedback! ;)


Active Member
its a slow time of day and your posts are several minutes apart. it can take HOURS to get replys sometimes days, this is a message board not a chat room.
sounds like your doing good and have it under controll.
as for sumps I'm a big fan of DIY sumps because you get exactly what you want out of it instead of compromising because of a maufacturers design.


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
its a slow time of day and your posts are several minutes apart. it can take HOURS to get replys sometimes days, this is a message board not a chat room.
sounds like your doing good and have it under controll.
as for sumps I'm a big fan of DIY sumps because you get exactly what you want out of it instead of compromising because of a maufacturers design.
I see your point it's just a little intimidating... guess I'll do some forum/web searching on DIY sumps and trying to figure out exactly what my goals should be for one in my environment.
Sorry you know how new tank excitement is ;)


Active Member
Its all good I know how it is. dont panic if you dont get a response right away most of the people on here at this time of day are guests or at work so answers can be very sporadic.

there are a lot of good sump building threads in the DIY section of this site.


Active Member
Why hold off on the live rock? If I read correctly you don't have any yet. Sounds like your salt mix is low and it won't change unless you change your salt or add it directly. The live rock from here will arrive uncycled and is good to cycle a tank with.
Not sure of those lights but for the most part medal halides will grow anything. Are those lights medal halides?
As for test kits, anything except for test strips for ammonia and nitrite. Both should be zero so having any kit will be fine. pH is pretty simple so any kit will work for that as well. For the important kits, salifert is the choice hands down. Those kits include calcium, alkalinity, magnesium, nitrates, phosphates, and others if you choose.
There is no reason to buy a premade sump/fuge. I built one myself and I'm all thumbs and it turned out great. Utilize the search function on this site and look up sumps and refugiums in the DIY area. Sign Guy is a great resource.
Hope this helps.


Thanks a ton... I'll go ahead and add the rock... I just wanted to make sure that I dont kill anything on it :)
I'd rather be overly cautious than be sorry :)
:happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
There will be dieoff when it arrives, that's a given. Just keep track of your ammonia to make sure it doesn't rise above 0.5, if it does do a water change. 0.5 isn't all that bad but don't let it get above 1.0. Ammonia at those levels can kill the good bacteria and some of the hitchhikers deep in the rock. I got my rock from SWF and my ammonia never got that high. If you want to see my pictures look for my thread titled "here I go."
Good luck