Babysitting a Tiny Queen Angel?



Just take a look at this baby. He is like 1.2 inches long. I am going to have him for a couple of weeks. Then he is going into a 150g, with the big boys, or back to the wild (HOME), Caribbean.

pastor b.

This is an angelfish,but it"s not a queen angel, it resembles a blue angel. Queens and blues look similar as juveniles,but queens' bars are straighter,blues are more curved. Also,the Queens' upper and lower tail ends are pointed,blues are are rounded. Enjoy your fish.

crypt keeper

Active Member
it does look more blue. That fish should be housed in a 30 gallon if its not even a 2 inches long till it grows out some and is eating. What type of big boys are we talking?


Originally Posted by Pastor B.
This is an angelfish,but it"s not a queen angel, it resembles a blue angel. Queens and blues look similar as juveniles,but queens' bars are straighter,blues are more curved. Also,the Queens' upper and lower tail ends are pointed,blues are are rounded. Enjoy your fish.
Not to be rude, but is better not say anything, if you don't know what are you taking about. I do a lot of research before getting any organism in my tank. Queen Angel fish middle blue bar is curved, Blue Angel middle bar is straight.
Blue Angel - Juvi

Queen Angel - Juvi, like mine, the camera I used isn't that good, plus he's too fast, he is in a 29g Bow Front


The only thing that could've happen, is a cross between Queen and Blue, and yes, I will be pissed, and I will get an exchange.
Don't believe me, believe him. 1:20 -1:30 min
Capisce??? Enjoy my fish.


Originally Posted by PeLaGiC
Blue Angel - Juvi

Queen Angel - Juvi, like mine, the camera I used isn't that good, plus he's too fast, he is in a 29g Bow Front



small triggers

Active Member
SOOOO CUTE, i wish i could put an angel in my tank, other than killing it,,I have finnally started getting corals which I love.
Good Luck, hes adorable


Originally Posted by small triggers
SOOOO CUTE, i wish i could put an angel in my tank, other than killing it,,I have finnally started getting corals which I love.
Good Luck, hes adorable
Thanks a lot man. here is a video.