back after 5 years quick lighting question dont want to burn corals


so my friends an electrical engineer and he set me up a light fixture for my 20 gallon long. Its going to have 36 1 watt luxeon leds putting out 90 lumens a watt.
Am I going to be overdoing it and burning corals mostly mushrooms and xenia?


also have an aquaclear set up as a refugium that has a cheap suction cup attachment with bending lamp style blue light led fixture on it that bleeds blue into the display aswell.
about 12 "1wat" leds.

bang guy

They will adapt to the light over time. Is there a way to start with only a few of the lights on and increase the number over time? Is the lighting dimmable?


thanks for the reply I dont currently have any corals in the tank was planning on mostly mushrooms and xenia in the future. should I still dim the lights if so to what output?

bang guy

OK. It should be fine if you just start the corals on the bottom to the side and then gradually move them to where you want. The problem is that many stores don't have very bright lighting to keep their corals. If yours does then there shouldn't be any issue.

bang guy

Let me go a little deeper. Most of the corals we see in the hobby would be fine with your intense lighting right after they were pulled out of the ocean.

The issue is that they were kept dark during shipping and then are usually under lower light for weeks after that. The intense light is good but if they haven't yet be adapted back to intense lighting it can harm them.


got another question how many of these same leds would you recommend for a 10 and 5 gallon respectivley. looking to keep a condi anenome in the 10 and mostly shrooms in the 5.


also I remember when I would visit this forum years ago that you maintained a 300 gallon Rubbermaid refugium.
is that still going strong and is there a thread on here showing how you set that up?

bang guy

There was a thread covering the build but all of the pictures were lost during a site upgrade. It was a plywood 900 gallon refugium.