I have had large tanks in the past, but due to a few moves and my new location I have not had a tank in almost a year. I am interested in putting together a nano tank in my home office, but I am unsure on what the best options are ( I have seen a lot of Biocubes around my LFS). I am interested in making it a reef tank, since that is what all my experience has been with. Just wanted to see what some of yall's opinions were. Also I am unfamiliar with MH's on small tanks. Would a chiller be needed? I am not interested in dealing with any SPS(acros esp.) or anenomies(sp?), but would like to be able to keep much of the other beautiful corals that I have had in the past. Thank you for any help in advance. This site got me started with my first tanks and I figured this was the best place to restart at.