back mollys OK to cycle?

minnow me

New Member
Because mollies are so much easier to net out than a damsel, after the cycling process. Mollies just hang out near the top of the water, where as damsels are extremely fast and hide in the rock work.


Active Member
good point. I had a tough time taking out my blue damsel that i first cycled with. I ended up taking out all the rock and then it still took forever to get him out! Well... in that case, i guess a molly is better... but i still haven't heard about that.


Staff member
Don't use live creatures to cycle. What type of tank are you setting up? If it will have LR, the LR itself will cycle the tank. If you need to add anything to cycle, simply use a piece or 2 of fresh seafood. Like shrimp.


Active Member
i've never used the shrimp method...but it sounds good. Everyone else likes it. Someone else mentioned putting in household amonia and then it'll cycle.. i think the shrimp idea sounds like the best.


New Member
Beth- I am setting up A 75 gal. tank with out any LR. I was told mollys were okay to cycle your tank with. I didn't know about using fresh shrimp for cycling. If you have more info on this I would appreciate it.
thanks :)

class clown

Another reason for choosing mollies over damsels is that they are hardier. Not all damsels make it through the cycle. Mollies have a better survival rate. Some like to put the mollies in the hospital tank after their main tank cycles so their hospital tank remains stable. Also, don't forget to acclimate the mollies! They are freshwater fish that can thrive in saltwater, but they need a special acclimatization period when you switch them to saltwater. I can look up more info on this when I get home if you want.


Why not just leave the mollies in? A jet black fish like that would look very nice with all the other brightly colored ones. Plus if you get several females and one male every 28-30 days you will get a bunch of babies that will make a great source of live food for the rest of your fish.