Back on the Undulate Trigger!


I have been mulling it over for some time now. And after I get my 120 rolling I want to set up a tank for a Undulate Trigger. Here are some ?s I have:
1. I read that 50 gallon Minimum. What size would you recommend? Better having a higher,wider,deeper tank. Or a mix of those?
2. What if anything could I put him with, though will not be heartbroken if he is alone?
3. I hear that over time they might become somewhat tame? Anyone hear have a Undulate? Behavior? From what I gather this is the most aggressive trigger, anyone disagree?
Thanks for the help!


New Member
I have an undulate in a 72 by himself. When I tried putting a couple snails in with him he immediately killed and ate them. I"m gunshy about putting anything else in with him now so its safer to keep him alone. His behavior is very shy, when someone is sitting in front of the tank looking at him, but will come out and swim all over the tank when its clear of observers. I'm not sure but it seems to me that he is checking the tank for anyone else. I really think he /she prefers to be alone. My advice would be to set up the rocks so that they have a place to hide, but that you can see him in it. My guy doesnt seem to like fake plants, he will pull them out and even tear them apart. He stays away when I'm in cleaning the tank and so far (other than the snails) seems very shy. I've read others with undulates have them come to the surface and rub their backs. I would love to do that but so far havnt seen anything in his behavior that he would do something like that. He loves krill or trigger formula most of all but wont eat when I'm watching him close. I think your 50 would be OK, but would most likely limit it to a species tank. I have thought about maybe getting another undulate to put in with him but I dont want to find one dead some day so probably will not. Good luck with yours, I do think they are the coolest looking trigger.


I've had one in my 90, he was with a red vol, panther grouper, huma huma trigger and a tiny baby clown trigger. The clown trigger didn't make it b/c of the high mortality rates of the baby clowns, but other than that, the undulate was very docile. He's extremely laid back and doesn't really bother anyone. It's just basically the luck of the draw. You really never know what there temperment will be until you get him.
i had the same setup but than out of the blue the undulated ripped outthe huma huma eye while feeding and than he went after my clown fish but he fought him off and than the clowntigger took a bite out of the undulated so than i got rid of him so what out they can turn at any time , but i plan to get another but keep him by himself good luck :D