Back surgery


I just got home from the hospital about 1 hr ago after having back surgery to remove a lump (not cancerous) and I am in a lot of pain. On top of this I found my fire goby jumped from the tank (through a very small hole) and is now dead. I guess I will have to wait awhile before I can get another, as I am not supposed to drive for a few days. Man that stinks, as I was looking forward to watching my tank for relaxation the next couple of days! Man I can’t wait to be free again.


Hey, good luck with the back thing. I had some tumors taken out last spring and all were normal as well. In a few months I will be having my second round of carpal tunnel surgery. So I need to teach my hubby on how to take care of our 2 saltwater tanks that we have. Watching the fish is VERY relaxing. Good luck again and heal quickly.


Hey man, you have all my sympathies. I have been there/done that. I had a ruptured disk and was on my butt for a few weeks after surgery. I still feel it every now and then but it is a lot better than what it was before. Kind of scary knowing that they are going to be that close to your spinal cord with a sharp knife! :scared:
Hang in there. :)


The boredom is what got me after I had my L5 S1 fuse.
Keep the remote and the computer nearby. Before you know it, you'll be up and around again!
Heal fast Aquaman!!!


2 days later and still in pain, but the

are fun! :D I am mostly lying down, but cannot help signing on here are reading some. I am avoiding posting too much as I have already made a fool out of myself once. Anyway, I am doing a bit better, and hope to be up and about by Sunday. :)



Originally posted by Aquaman
2 days later and still in pain, but the

are fun! :D I am mostly lying down, but cannot help signing on here are reading some. I am avoiding posting too much as I have already made a fool out of myself once. Anyway, I am doing a bit better, and hope to be up and about by Sunday. :)

ohhh do I ever hear ya! Im right with ya Aqua on the pain

...I have some goodones too right now!
I havent told any one here this yet...but three weeks ago I was in a horrible car accident. My car slipped on water, going over a hill..I started spinning out of control down the hill..crossed the center line..and I hit a two ton dump truck head on, a ford f150 behind the dump truck hit me on the drivers side (after my door was already off) my baby girl in her carseat in the back, right behind the drivers side. Being buckeled up saved our lives. The first responders never expected anyone in my mangled mess of a car to be alive when they got there.. but...somehow..I only have two broken feet...and more bruises than ..well that truck hit me in my leg..the wrecker had to pull the truck away..out of my car and off my angel musta been riding with us. There is nothing left of the car. The motor ws even knocked loose and laying out. The battery was thrown way into the woods.. my shoes were off my feet one was in the road, the other in the trunk??? My baby had bruises on her neck and a small cut behind one ear... It was the single most aweful thing I have ever been thru. Those seconds when I didnt know for sure where my baby was, or what happened to her.....the relief when I found out she was still safely buckled in her car seat...a wonderful miracle, shes my angel. and, Im thankful we are both alive! The ride to the hospital in an ambulance with those hunky fireman was pretty funky thou!
I wish you a speedy recovery too!!! As for me, I couldnt even sit up on my own the next day..but today..Im hobbling with a walker n taking my

! lol Hang in there, I will too!!!
Attached is my angelbaby. Cuz shes so beautiful..and after what we went thru, flowers smell alot sweeter!!


Nothing puts problems into perspective like someone who is going through more. I will most certainly be adding you to my prayer list, along with your little girl. I am so glad you had here in a car sear, as most people do not understand the importance of one.
Side bar: I am safety seat certified which means I have been trained to put in car seat and boosters the proper way. A few years ago while working at a bus company as a manager, I had to take a class in this. Most people do not put the seat in right, or the child in the seat right. This can cause as much damage (or even more) in an accident than no seat. I strongly erg those of you with children to stop at a fire station or police station to have one of these men/omen who know how to install them to take a look. I grantee you if you do this you will be much better off. As a warning, those who do not could be very sorry, as it is not easy to put the seat in right. Okay not more “preaching”, but keep your children safe!