Back to school....and I'm hating it already!


It's been a while since I've had the time to come on've missed it so much!!!
I just started a new job as a full time 9th grade Geography teacher. It's been a while since I've taught high far it really sucks. Maybe these first few weeks are just going to be a little tough, hopefully it will get better. It'd be a whole lot easier teaching in a building with air conditioning. It's been in the 90's in Denver and by mid-morning my classrooms (I have 3 different classrooms that I share with other teachers) are between 95-98 degrees inside. We've even had a few students pass out from the heat. The good thing is that the heat sedates my normally rambunctious 14 yr olds....the bad thing is that it also makes me feel like falling asleep or passing out too. The classrooms and hallways also smell kind of funky by the
This year I have more students with 'ankle bracelets' and parole officers than I ever had when I taught in the Bronx. I've already had an altercation with a student who 'jokingly' claimed that during the talent show he wanted to 'stand on stage, bring his gun, and shoot it up into the ceiling'. This ended up with me making a police statement, during which I found out that he already has an ankle bracelet for "aggravated robbery" during which he used a knife. Of course he's still in my class, and I'm just hoping that he doesn't hold a grudge. I had a talk with him on Friday, and everything seems 'cool' between us. He said he just had more community service hours added to the 40 he already previously had.
Hopefully, my tank won't suffer from my lack of energy and time. I'm trying to keep up on the maintenance, but I honestly haven't been doing as much as I normally do :-( I feel kind of bad for my poor tank.
I hope all of my friends are doing well, I've missed you dearly!!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by tirtza http:///t/392844/back-to-school-and-im-hating-it-already#post_3490939
It's been a while since I've had the time to come on've missed it so much!!!
I just started a new job as a full time 9th grade Geography teacher. It's been a while since I've taught high far it really sucks. Maybe these first few weeks are just going to be a little tough, hopefully it will get better. It'd be a whole lot easier teaching in a building with air conditioning. It's been in the 90's in Denver and by mid-morning my classrooms (I have 3 different classrooms that I share with other teachers) are between 95-98 degrees inside. We've even had a few students pass out from the heat. The good thing is that the heat sedates my normally rambunctious 14 yr olds....the bad thing is that it also makes me feel like falling asleep or passing out too. The classrooms and hallways also smell kind of funky by the
This year I have more students with 'ankle bracelets' and parole officers than I ever had when I taught in the Bronx. I've already had an altercation with a student who 'jokingly' claimed that during the talent show he wanted to 'stand on stage, bring his gun, and shoot it up into the ceiling'. This ended up with me making a police statement, during which I found out that he already has an ankle bracelet for "aggravated robbery" during which he used a knife. Of course he's still in my class, and I'm just hoping that he doesn't hold a grudge. I had a talk with him on Friday, and everything seems 'cool' between us. He said he just had more community service hours added to the 40 he already previously had.
Hopefully, my tank won't suffer from my lack of energy and time. I'm trying to keep up on the maintenance, but I honestly haven't been doing as much as I normally do :-( I feel kind of bad for my poor tank.
I hope all of my friends are doing well, I've missed you dearly!!
I just started back school as well as a college student with a renewed vigor for graduating. After a little time off, all I have now is about 2 years standing between me and a diploma. I'm excited to be a High School Biology teacher! woohoo!
I know that teaching public school can be very tough. I have already been in the classroom and can definitely relate. I know that once the temps come down and the kids settle into a routine, the year might get a little easier on you. At least, that is my hope.
I hope your tank doesn't suffer either, but I know that once I get busy my tank is the first thing to get neglected. It's understandable and ... it's life. Just don't forget your passions and they won't let you down.


awww, thanks so much for your support! I really appreciate it :) It just feels really good to vent sometimes. I'm so glad that you want to teach science. We definitely need more science teachers, especially ones that are passionate about what they do.
There's a science teacher named Maria across the hall from me. I'm not sure exactly what she teaches (it could be 9th grade physical science or possibly 9th grade biology. She super nice, but I was shocked to learn about the aquarium in her room. We were getting to know each other a little during a workshop a couple of weeks ago and I happened to tell her that I have a salt water aquarium. She told me about the one in her classroom (I think she inherited it from another teacher???) Here's some info on her aquarium....
1. She left it completely alone (no water changes, no feeding, nada) during the 2 months of summer vacation
2. It's a basic 30 gallon rectangle tank and hood. She's not sure what type of lights it has because she's never turned them on.
3. She has it sitting in the hot classroom, on the wide ledge next to the windows
4. She isn't sure if there's a heater or what type of filtration system there is. (right now I'm not to worried about the water being warm enough)
5. She doesn't have a water test kit, and has never used one.
She invited me to come look at it, and it's a MESS! There's a monster-size Oscellaris Clown Fish and, a couple of small blue tail Damsels, and what I think is a black and white striped Damsel. Surprisingly they're all swimming around seemingly healthy.
She said there were a few (not clear on how many) fish deaths over the summer.
There's a ton of different colored algae and strange unidentifiable stuff growing in there. It looks like some kind of strange science experiment (she actually has other teachers ask her if that's what it is).
I told her I'd help her with it if I could. I simply don't know where to begin. There's a 3-4 inch sand bed with different layers of algae in it. These past couple of weeks have been incredibly hectic, but I as soon as I get a chance I think an 'intervention' will be necessary. She's told me that she'd be more than happy to have any help I can provide her. Where should I begin???


Well-Known Member
Full range test kits
Test lighting
Put tank on gfci unit and possibly a grounding probe.
Water changes. Change out filtration and carbon. Gravel siphon the top 1" of sand
Remove all nuisance algae as you can and keep the macroalgae. Get a small clean up crew. Do noy stir up the sandbed. There could be hydrogen sulfide buildup if you see layers of black streaks in thr sandbed. If you stir it up, you could instantly kill the fish and it will smell like a stink bomb just went of in the class.
Thats a start.