Back to scrach!

I am one of those people who got to anxcious and ran out and brouth fish to soon. Now that I'm getting a better understanding of the hobby it's kind of hard for me to overcome the mistakes I've made in the past because of the fish.
So, I've decided to give my 7inch mapp puffer back to the store. I had him for three months now and I can't seem to part with him. It's like admitting I'd failed.
My tank is 125gal, and has never had perfect water conditions. I had either high nitrite or nitrate. It's been running for 4 months now(no lr or ls).
Am I making the right decition or not?


if you truly love something, let it go....
yeah, i think since you realized your mistake, and decided to give the fish back, you definately did the right thing.
At least now you can get your tank running good and get your water levels better without taking the risk of killing the fish.
Good job my friend, and just think, once you get your water conditions better, you can go back and get your fish and have a happy reunion :D


Active Member
I would add your dsb and lr to the tank and cycle it for at least a couple of months. If you have to have something swimming around you might try a green choris damsel. At least you wont be scrambling around trying to get it out of your tank later. I'd put the fish in about 3 weeks after the dsb and lr. Just my .02.


Active Member
Hi puff(er)daddy, I would get some live sand and live rock and add some raw shrimp to cycle your tank. Everysince I have learned about the raw shrimp thing I would never again use a live fish to cycle a tank. The raw shrimp gets a little smelly, but they make little cans of insence, I put two of those on top of the tank and it help with the smell. We used raw shrimp to cycle our 200 gal, we got a great cycle with them, and haven't had any problems with the levels at all. Maybe if you asked your lfs, maybe they would hold your puffer for you. I know its hard to give him up, and I'm very sorry its way to easy to get attached to these guys. Later Lisa
The one that I most frequently use is Zoos pet store and they told me that they don't do that. I had a spot in New Jersey that told me $5.00 a day!
One of the sharks jimi told me about the hidden reef that's nearby and I'm going to check them out to see if they would hold him for me. If your reading: Thanks jimi the hidden reef is great they five times the amount of stock than any other places that I've visited. It took me a long time to find it but it was well worth it.