BACKGROUND: tryin to paint need help!


Active Member
i want to paint the back of my 125 while its apart to get drilled. its glass. what type of paint. any prep work need to be done. etc etc.
thank you


Active Member
i used rustoleum painters touch and it worked for me

for prep i would say mask it off REALY GOOD with some scotch blue painters tape. then clean with a gentle, residue free cleaner... i just used windex and then wiped it off to make sure there was no residue
remember a lot of light coats are better than one heavy coat
here are a few pix from my paint job



I just used a cheap black spraypaint (.99 cent can) and went to town. tape off the rest of your tank is the most important step. And if you get a runner or two, dont wory about it, you cant tell they are there when looking at it from the display side. (trust me I know from experiance) Good luck with your paint job!


My LFS recommended Krylon Semi-Flat in the can. Just did my 90g a week ago and it looks good (although I still have no feeling in my index finger)


I used both krylon and rustoleum. 1 light coat of rustoleum, another light coat of rustoleum, and 1 heavy coat of krylon. matte black on back and sides. Looks great.


Active Member
ex-paint manager here, home dep
i wouldn't clean it with a normal cleaner like windex. i'd use a vinegar water solution or a diluted bleach wipe.
instead of paint, use a tinted primer. this is difficult to explain to most part time paint desk people.
primer is primarily glues but can be tinted. the better primers cannot be tinted to darker colors. the easy way to tell is to open a few different ones side by side and you'll see the level of primer in the can before tinting. if you look at a ralph lauren deep base it will be an inch and a half low which allows for tons of colorant.
i took glidden's best primer and tinted it to a dark gray and a blue on another tank. both have never peeled.
blue tape isn't necessary. it's made for drywall so that it will peel off easily. you can use regular tape for glass and acrylic.


Active Member
i figured spray paint before i posted this and then i got to the thinkin. so i might go with either the primer thing or just several light coats of black.
quick side question my stand and canopy are semi gloss black. so a black back ground or a blue color.