backup stocklist question.


I plan on having my 55 gallon set up very soon after xmas. The problem is, for my first stocklist, is that my local fish dealer doesn't have the the fish I want for my aquarium. But, they do usually sell the less aggressive triggers, such as humus, bursa, niger, and gilded triggers. I know that my local fish store says I can have one of these in my aquarium. So, in case my first stocklist does not work out, I want a semi-aggressive tank with the trigger as it's centerpiece with only two other fish that can stand up for themselves in the tank. Can you tell me some possibilities of these fish's possible tankmates?


What is your first choice stock list? (you can always order from this site).
And Triggers usually grow fairly quickly and get pretty big so you would have to find someone to take the fish once it outgrows the tank. Good tanks mates for when you do have it would really be any other agressive fish.


Well, I have heard from some websites that bursa triggers are compatible in 55 gallons. And, maybe I might just house one simple, semi-aggressive fish. Finally, my first stocklist is a yellow wrasse, a fairy or flasher wrasse, a chalk bass, a peaceful goby, and peaceful blenny


i would have to agree with mony97, 55 gallon way to small for triggers, trust when i was a young lad about 17 at the time i worked at a lfs and got a huge discount, i had a niger trigger, undualted trigger, humu humu trigger all in a 55 gallon tank
WOW that was a mistake not only did i get bit in my finger by the humu humu they out grew that tank in months. I returned them back and waited to get i bigger tank.


There are some triggers that grow very slow but sooner or later they will outgrow a 55 gal. If you buy a really small humu trigger, you can maybe keep it in a 55 for 1-2 years as long as the tank is not overstocked and you have compatible tank mates.

small triggers

Active Member
out of the niger, clown, blue jaw and picasso ive had, the picasso has grown the slowest. I got him at a little over an inch and a half i think about 2 years ago and now hes a little over 3 inches.. which would still be okay in a 55 if it were by himself, but to put a trigger with semi aggressive fish of a similar size so it didnt get picked on would not make it that 2 years....
truthfully for a 55 id go with your first stock list...unless you KNOW you can upgrade in a few years to a 150 or larger...


OK, but I am just asking, can I keep one of the smaller triggers in a specimen tank? My LFS has very good aquarists, and I told probably the best one there that I wanted to have a specimen tank for a trigger. He said that was a good idea. He also knew I have a 55 gallon.