bacterial ? advice please


Active Member
within 1 week from getting this fish from SWF (cant say i am happy about) this halichore melanarus (tailspot /pinstripe ) wrasse has developed what looks like a bacterial or fungal infection.
on sunday the fish had a very slight discoloration. this is what it looks like tuesday morning. some clouding on the pectoral fins with some deterioration.
the fish is still eating. i am feeding a homemade mix. this morning i dropped in a maracin II tab. the fish is sharing a 29 tall with another wrasse in good health. any other opinions? suggestions?
(sorry for the gratuitous shots.)



Active Member
he is eating well. sleeping in the sand a few more hours than usual (the other wrasse for example).
im not sure if it is clumps so much as clouding.


Staff member
You are medicating your display tank?
That looks like a touch of lymphocyctis. Check out the info on this in the FAQ Thread.


Active Member
nope this is the QT tank.
it is looking more like lymph, i have seen lymph a bunch of times , but the that is likely a side effect of the stress of shipping and this bacterial / fungal infection that i am more worried about.


Active Member
as of this morning the infection site looks a bit better, and the the white enlarged cells on the upper lip area have disintigrated, leaving the teeth visible. is that a sign that it is getting better and trying to heal? i did not see him eat this morning, but he looked interested. maybe his mouth hurts.
i should also add that there is a pit area under the eye that is on the side of the infection. looks like HLLE from the stress.
also noted an odd shaking behavior. i think i read that may be indicitive of internal parasites?


Originally Posted by saltn00b
as of this morning the infection site looks a bit better, and the the white enlarged cells on the upper lip area have disintigrated, leaving the teeth visible. is that a sign that it is getting better and trying to heal? i did not see him eat this morning, but he looked interested. maybe his mouth hurts.
i should also add that there is a pit area under the eye that is on the side of the infection. looks like HLLE from the stress.
also noted an odd shaking behavior. i think i read that may be indicitive of internal parasites?
If he had an internal parasite then he would be ravenous yet grow thinner and thinner. I don't think that is the case. What kind of shaking was he doing? Is he scraping or just doing a territorial little shimmy?
It sounds like he is on the mend. HLLE is not the same as Lymph, but they go hand in hand with lack of nutrition. He is new. Build up his immune system with quality foods and nutritional supplements.


Active Member
this morning i dropped another maracyn tab. fish not eating, still shaking, slightly lethargic, fins degrading. the infection looks slightly better.....
what do you mean on the mend? getting better?
the shaking is like when he smells food there is a very quick and violent spasm like reaction. less than a second. rather random.
i dont know how much better he is going to get if he wont eat because of mouth damage...