bacterial infection yellow tang

ive had my yellow tang for 2 1/2 yrs. did a water change the other day (3 days ago) noticed the red blotches on him the next day. is it ok to treat him in the DT?


Staff member
No its not. I would suggest that you do very small water changes daily at this point. Can you post a picture of your tang?


Staff member
Yes, he is in very bad shape. Is the QT just set up, or well established?
Maracyn 2 for Saltwater Fish.
my QT has not been up for about a month do to the fact i have not got any new fish in months. thats why i was hoping i could treat him in the DT (i know i should always have the QT up
) i have some Maracyn 2 on hand is it ok to set up the QT and put him in? THANKS.
today is day 5 of treatment in the QT and no sign of getting any better. should i treat him for another 5 days? i am treating him with Maracyn 2.


Active Member
weird the maracyn usually works pretty he eating?does he have a couple hiding places to help with stress?


Staff member
What is the water quality of your QT. Its extremely difficult to treat with antibiotics in an uncycled QT. What are your readings?