Bad Bad news


Active Member
Yes he did, that's what we're saying... given that he's using tap water for top offs, the amount used to thaw the food wouldn't cause this.


I agree with everyone that tap water did not kill your fish. I have used tap water for about 7 years and have a heathy tank. Im not saying tap water is the way to go but it works for me.


Active Member
I don't think the tap water was the cause either. This water isn't that full of "fish poison" that the few drops on a piece of shrimp would do any harm. These drops would disperse as soon as they hit the water...


i dont blame the tap either unless the water is super contaminated *which would be a concern for u too* and soaked into your fishes food. must be the amm and nitrite. at any level above 0ppm i believe thats toxic. stress coat doesnt solve the tap water prob. RO is the way to go. on the other and anemones are poison. if one were to uh get sucked onto a power head ofr a filter they could discreet poison into the system. am i right about that one guys?


sry for not getting my lvls up right away. Between work and a bunch of other problems, im like a zombie. well ph is at 8.4, salt 1.024, amm .25 nitrate 0 nitrite 0.5 thats what they were at now they are ph 8.1 salt 1.024 amm 0 nitrate 0 nitrite 0


maybe one fish died, it was not removed, the ammonia and nitrite spiked causing another fish to die and the cycle continued.


Active Member
i use tap to thaw out as well. never had a problem with it. how much water did he use? you only need a tablespoon in most cases to thaw it out


Active Member
was it possible that you lost power for awhile? and considering that the tank is 120g, it takes alot to get a big ammonia spike in there. may be one of those mysteries that never gets solved. i had that happen to my skunk clowns. a week after having them, they died, and there was nothing wrong with my parameters.


Active Member
I know this sounds crazy, but check for any electrical current in the water. I have had people with massive reef systems lose all of their fish due to a heater shorting or something. Salt creep is a great conductor, so it can happen over time even when everything is working right. And the funny thing is, almost every time I have seen this, the inverts are fine. ODD, I KNOW! Give it a try. If you don't have equipment to test it, try this: If you have any exposed scrapes, abrasions, fingernail chewed down too far, anything like that, Unplug everything, put exposed wound in the water, and plug everything back in one at a time. You will feel the slightest bit of current right away if there is any..... It's worth a try...


hey fishkiller i tested for sray current with a digital reader, and there is nothing runnen threw the water. Great idea tho
the fish that died where 1 yellow tang, 1 lawnmower Blenn, 3 Damsels, 2 Perc clowns, and a gorilla crab. The day before death i tested the water in the morning and it was right on the money?!?!?!?!


Active Member
hmmm.... (scratching head)........ Try some medium chromis in there and see how they do.... As far as whatever it was that 86'd your fishies.......


Active Member
Sometimes things like air fresheners, hair spray, deodorant, soap or detergents on your hands, any of 10 million things that can happen to a tank in the home kills things with no signs or warning. Just really think about what could have been on your hands or in the air... When you wash your hands before puting your hands in the tank, do not use soap!!! Hot water and a towel with no fabric softener.... I'm paranoid, yes, but I've had nothing die in years for a reason....


Any power outage or major temp drop/spike. Sometimes we shut our AC off when traveling and it gets really hot in the house/tank.


Originally Posted by slowburn22
Beautifully spoken... I was wondering why I had read so many posts and nobody had yet figured out that the dude said he uses tapwater to fill the tank... Thanks for saving me the typing effort.

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