bad bad snails... just dont know what or how they got there. ID? w/pics


ok 2 days ago I moved my tank into the 100gallon and posted pics of them. this afternoon I was looking in the tank and found 2 snails that are huge I didnt add them or transfer them into the 100 knowingly. I have the same rocks etcc that was in my 50 gallon and nothing has been added but coral frags and such since about august last year. does anyone know what kind of smails these are. I know they are predatory because they both had my queen conchs and eating them ( there is no doubt that they being eatin and there is nothing left of either of them.
can someone please ID them??
there are in the new sump now so there isnt any danger of them getting another snail or anything. that is unless there is somemore in the tank.
there are about 5 pics of the 2 snails


they are about 3 inches long and 2 to 2.5 inches wide very huge snails considering I havent seen them EVER since I set the tank up. and nothing was added that they could have come in. I did find a huge rock that was hollowed out though and if you look at one of the pics the stupid snail looks like a rock so maybe they were hideing in the rock or trapped until I moved things into the bigger tank I dont know. I am just hoping that they arent anymore of them in there.


AAAAACK!! i pulled about 10 of those guys out of my tank after i caught them devouring my astreas.... as soon as i would put new snails in, they would immediately come out and eat them... bad bad bad bad BAD!!
I would go to the Reef Central site and inquire at the 'Ask Dr Ron' forum. He is a sandbed expert and does research on predatory snails. He is usually able to ID snails for people and give advice on what to do with them. Just be sure to read his sticky posts at the top of the forum about how to post an ID question to him.
Good Luck,


been there done that he said the were a predatory snail(I already knew that one LOL) that was a type of whelch that gets very large>
on a side note sending people to other boards on this board isnt look well upon and most of the time gets the reply deleted or the post edited or the whole thread deleted.
there are some exceptions that deal with certain particular species that the board doesnt have a specality section. and actually those arent allowed either but are usually overlooked for those reasons.
just keep that in mind when adding links to other BB and other sites that would advertise or sell things that you can get off this site is not allowed.
but thanks for the the idea anywho