Bad Ballast???


New Member
My PC's aren't working. They are Hamiltons 96w square pins. Both bulbs are brand new. Neither bulbs will light, tried switching them around, nothing. I opened the ballast and tested EVERY connection. Also opened the light fixture and tested those connections as well. I went so far as to insert the bulbs and test the pins while they are plugged in.
With the bulbs out
, I get 130v out of the top 2 pin receptacles and 30v from the bottom 2 (that I find odd). Both readings are the same at the other bulbs plug, only the bottom pins have the 130v and the top have 30v.
Is my Ballast out? I have power going to the bulbs so I hoped not. However, why is there any reading at all coming from the "open circuit" side of each plug when the bulbs are removed and powered on?
Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
Highly frustrated!!!


What kind of ballast is it? electronic or magentic?
It sounds like the starter circuit is out if it's electronic, thats what's causing the 30v at the common


New Member
It is electronic. Hmm... how can I test for that? When I opened the ballast case I could only get to the wire nut connections. Everything else was inside another case that has a hardened black gel sealing it. I assume the starter circuit is inside there. Is it replaceable?


New Member
Just talked to Hamilton Tech. I ordered a new raw ballast for $35. Not to bad. My original was a D-Light, they are sending me a Workhorse as a replacement. Guess they don't deal with D-light anymore. Apparently the wiring is a little different so it will come with a wiring diagram.