Bad Crab?


Just took home couple days ago a crab from my friends tank...
Dont know what kind it is but looks like a regular crab (not hermit or anything like that)
Found one of the 2 anthias under a rock being eatin by the crab when i got home today, did he die on his own or did the crab snag him somehow?


Will try and post a pic but he likes to hide right now,
Kinda looks like a spider on his legs and is brownish in color beefy claws too like popeys forearms lol ....but is realitively small, my friend had about ten of them pulled them out of the local body of salt water (glen island park/beach) so took one...never messed with his fish (he has big fish in his 90g-but once in a blue moon has a small fish disappear hmmmm :thinking: