Bad luck or what

Ok here is the deal i order before turkey day so i can get a small clarkii clown for my larger one in my tank. I just oreder the rest so i can get the Clarkii well they E-mail me and tell me my clown is out of stock. So i said well go ahead and ship the others anyway. Since that time i have learned that Copperband butterfly fish eat Aiptasia so i think cool i will order the butterfly and the clarkii. So at this time the clarkii comes back in stock and i put the Cooperband on my wish list. SO today i get home and in the e_mail the cooperband has come in so i think great i can get the cooperband and the clarkii when i look the clarkii is now out of stock
So i guess i have to wait once again to turn in a order. So what do you think the chances are that they will be in at the same time?