Bad lucks just going to follow me


Your tank is still young. No need for any drastic changes, like buying more equipment. Let the LMB and snails do their thing for a while. Keep check on all of your levels. Keep doing your water changes with RODI water at the rate your going at. The algea will go away. Mine did the same thing during startup. After the third month it just seemed to disappear. In the meantime save some money and be ready to buy some fish and/or corals!!!!


Active Member
I agree with sailfin, things should work themeselves out. With that being said just because its a macro algae it doesn't mean that you want it. Calerpa is a macro which can overtake a tank as well. I think with time ...a couple emeralds, the lawnmower, maybe a tang, and above all good husbandry, and it will all get worked out. My tank has been up for a year and a half and I'm just now getting an emerald to keep a couple macro algae breakouts under control. Things will look up...think positive.:yes:


Active Member
Thanks, my 55 did not break out the hair alge unil it was 5yrs old. I didnt want to start the 180 on a bad note. But if I do see it getting worse, I will SCREAM!!!:yes: