Bad News!!!!


Tonight I came home and found my sixline wrasse lying on the floor. He jumped ship. It sucks because he was such a good looking fish.
I'm thinking about getting a lawnmower blenny to replace him (have a bit of a hair algae problem). I've read that some blennies have been known to jump out of tanks, anybody have any experience with the LMB jumping? We have a bi-color blenny in our other tank and he never goes near the top of the tank, he always stays with the rocks. So I'm hoping that the LMB is the same way. What do you guys think?


Active Member
I have seen LMBs on the floor at the LFS.
The main thing is to not scare the fish while they settle into their new tank. If you have mean fish this can cause a meeker one to fly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
"If you have mean fish this can cause a meeker one to fly."
That was a heck of a way to put that....


My lawn mower blenny has gotten huge and can be a little aggressive, I dont know what else you have in your tank but they can take cheap shots at other fish especially at feeding time. They also are kinda ugly but do the job well so it 50/50 IMO.
Off topic: Boston Pros rock, I have a set in my Impala


Active Member
Originally Posted by SSweet1
My lawn mower blenny has gotten huge and can be a little aggressive, I dont know what else you have in your tank but they can take cheap shots at other fish especially at feeding time. They also are kinda ugly but do the job well so it 50/50 IMO.
Off topic: Boston Pros rock, I have a set in my Impala

I had the same problem. my 6line jumped ship.
our LMB is also getting huge and mean. he is like ouir ugly grumpy old man of the tank. hes around 5 inches. everyone that sees him is in shock lol for whatever reason most LMB are small. I guess they are collected really young or something


Originally Posted by SSweet1
Off topic: Boston Pros rock, I have a set in my Impala

My hat is off to you SSweet1, you are the only person thus far that understood my user name. Most people think I'm from Boston, MA. :cheer:


I only have a perc. clown in my tank right now. I think he can handle his own. My only problem is that the tank is only 20 gallons. Everybody says that they get to be 5" or more. I have also read that they don't need a whole lot of room though because they just kinda lounge around on the rock. What do you guys think? Could he be ok in a 20g tank? How fast do they grow?


Originally Posted by bostonPro
My hat is off to you SSweet1, you are the only person thus far that understood my user name. Most people think I'm from Boston, MA. :cheer:
I run CDT's.......;)