we have and have had power of attorney papers here ,but he hasnt signed them he kept saying that we would never need them he has been pretty adamant about it everytime i would nag or pull the paperwork out he was like , God looks out , its not that bad-well it got that bad and the surgeon wouldnt talk to me he would however talk to bob tobins brother me and my mom were the only people left at the hospital this morning at 2 am when thy had to put the pic line in and they had to have permission to do it so i called his brother up and was like bob the surgeon has to do some more stuff to tobin say yes to whatever he wants they were going to call his parents and they have flat out said if they had to take care of him they would put him in a hospice home and all they care about is how much it costs ,i hate those people .but we have it worked out that as soon as tobin is conscious the hospital social worker is going to come and witness all that paperwork when he signs it-problem solved.yay 1 down 43,698 more to go i got my kids together now its back to the hospital in midland i go thank you guys for your prayers and well wishes, love you....jenny