bad or good idea for refugium


Active Member
Durso is just a style of stand pipe, if you look in the equip/diy forum look for a post from me that says Jamesurq for you.... it has a picture of my durso with the ball valve on it. All ball valve well... a ball with a hole drilled thru the middle in, a valve, when you turn the handle it rotates the ball from the hole-solid, that way you can control the flow. What ever you have going up(or down) will be flowing the oppisite direction at the same rate, unless you have a pump at the end speeding it up. If that's why dual power heads, are a bad idea. the one with the leas resistance will pump faster empting one tank, and reaking havoc on your floor(do you have flood insurance:) ) as far as a site that explains all this...your on it.:D


New Member
I bought a sheet of acrylic from Home Depot for my baffles, and cut it myself with the tool suggested for it. As for the flow, it should be low so as not to disturb the sand, macroalgae, etc. I only used 1 baffle to divide my return pump (MaxiJet 1200) and water in from overflow section from the refugium part.
To adjust the flow you can put a ball valve on the return pump line or possibly adjust it on the pump (I don't know abou that one). Because the flow into the overflow box will only be as fast as that of the water coming in from the pump.