Bad peppermint shrimp


Does anyone have any good advice:tips on how to catch a peppermint shrimp. I have 1-2 pickin away at my frogspawn and I need to get them out.
This is the only time I have had success with the bottle trap idea. I had a couple munching on some rics and shrooms.
I used a 20 plastic coke bottle so my fish prolly wouldn't fit in. Cut the top 1/3 of the bottle off and invert it back into the body of the bottle. Fill it with some food to bait them. My shrimp had a hangout where they hung out at night so I put it close to that. I caught 3 in two nights.
And BTW I spent a month trying with a net at night and had no luck.
When you invert it, it should fit tight enough to stay in place. I didn't use anything. Worked like a charm, then banish them to the sump lol.


If the bottle doesn't work out I would try just sticking your arm in the tank and letting them come to do what comes naturally to them.... They will pick all the dead skin off your hand... Kind of creepy feeling but i was able to cup mine in my hand and remove them when they went rogue and killed all my snails


Active Member
Originally Posted by Section143
If the bottle doesn't work out I would try just sticking your arm in the tank and letting them come to do what comes naturally to them.... They will pick all the dead skin off your hand... Kind of creepy feeling but i was able to cup mine in my hand and remove them when they went rogue and killed all my snails
Yeah, I would figure shrimp easy to catch... any I've had always wants to climb on me.


Hey everyone thanks for your help, the bottle trap was perfect. I bought a smart water and used that because it didn't have all the waves and the shrimp could see the food, it worked like a charm. I caught 1 in under a minute and 2 more in five minutes. If your having this problem the bottle trap works. I have a question about my frogspawn, one head got picked pretty good but still has tissue. Do they repair themselves?