BAD pods


Oh boy. Well, I took a two month break from wokr bc with school and other things it was just very overwhelming. I go in today and my 29g at work is OVERRUN with ginormous pods. Isopods I beleive. The tank is disgusting and obviously hasnt been kept up with. Ugh.


So anyways, some of these beasts are the size of a pez candy. Kinda cute in their own way. I took a couple pics but have to find my camera cable. Do you think a good vaccum will get rid of them?


Yes, they were being fed but I dont think the tank was EVER cleaned. Im going in this weekend to do a major water change


Great! Which fish eat them? So far my 2 clowns and firefish do not, judging by the population and size. Its a 29 fowlr


Dragonnet fish, Sand Sifting Gobies, Sleeper Gobies
Crab Eye Goby , Midas Blenny. Are a few I know of but the dragon nets might not be a good idea because they will wipe those pods out fast then starve if you don't have a way to breed the pods for them.


Active Member
Getting the water quality back in line will help in and of itself. they are basically scavengers, so your tank was few well and with a lot of leftovers for the amphipods :)