Bad red hair algae problem


I know this was discussed before and I have tried some of the suggestions but my tank is getting more and more red hair algae. I have a 20G High tank with about 15-20lbs of live rock. There are about 5 turbo snails and 3 small hermit crabs as a cleaner crew. I have a 24W coralife 10K and acentic light fixture. I turn it on for about 2 hours a day and leave it off the rest. My nitrates are about 15-20ppm and my ph is about 8.0. Any ideas on any chemicals I can add to kill the algae. I have a few polyps and 2 fish in there so far. Tank has been running for 6-7 months.


up your ph to 8.3 and do a water change to get rid of nitrates a tad.
i have no cleaning crew but not in the need as of yet i do a water change everyday keep ammonia down to 0 best i can nit 1 and nit 2 down to 0ppm
ph kept at 8.3 i had a rocky start off with ph tho.
but its allmost like keeping fw but more fun and better to watch

personally on both FW and SW never add chemicals in my opinion.
not god for tank just try to spend an hour or so cleaning and maintaing a day.
others will give you a better seeing to tho in a min lmao!


I am using RO water from my local fish store. I tested it for nitrates and contains less than 5PPM almost zero. I mix the water with instant ocean salt. I was using purple up to help build coraline on my rocks since they are all still pretty much white/ivory color. But I stopped using it when the algae got bad. I did a partial water change 4 days ago, but it came right back within a few days. I am not sure if it is my light or not. Both the 10k and acentic bulbs both come on at the same time since there is only 1 switch and plug.
Thanks for any help


Active Member
Can you post a pic of the algea? Also when lights come on in morning fing your turbo snails and put them on the spots of red hair alge. You wouldn't believe what they can do if you focous them.

You ro water should not have any trates, I would tell the LFS they may need new filters. Have them check it infront of you before you buy it next time. I would not buy nitrates. Have plenty of my own.


I bought a TDS meter because I was buying my RO from the LFS. It turned out when I tested it, it was a 200 which is worse then my tap water. I now get it from a glacier machine in front of my grocery store and it tests 0. I had a green hair algae problem and after changing water sources it (green hair algae) went away after about 2 weeks. Test their water, don't believe everything they tell you and you'll maybe save some $$$$. Good Luck


New Member
Hey guys I just figured I would let you in on something that I did or my lfs told me to do...Before you go smashing my lfs just listen...I have been having a problem with what I thought was green alge and red hair alge, for about 2 months now I was ready to take the tank down..I have a 190 with about 150 lbs of lr and the tank is set up as a agressive..I have been loosing fish 1 a month for a few months I was to my ends..went to talk to a guy I know at the fs and he said I didn't have a alge problem I had a bactira "spelling" problem..I was treating the tank for alge and nothing I would kill it with the lights and a week later it was over running the tank again..Any way he gave me a product from API called E.M. ERYTHROMYCIN an anti bacterial fish med and he told me it would clear it up in about a week..ALL OF IT..Sunday I gave the first treatment and by today it is killing it all off...I am pretty happy with this..I guess it is hard to treat ignorance..LOL Just my 2 cents!!!