look seriously into a topoff tank, they're cheap.
my previous post was cut off, so i might miss something i was thinking of before :thinking:
the reef salt i just got is crystallized(sp?), and i've been wondering as it takes a week or more to dissolve completely. i think that the reef salt is for people who plan on it and dissolve the crystals for a week or so as opposed to the smaller salt for the couple of days salters. there is a lot more testing involved for me on the crystals as this is my first bucket. :thinking:
i would still run your tank with a lot of flow for a couple weeks at least. you need to look into at least 4-6 maxijets for a 55. i'd go with 750's or above, but that's personal opinion.
your substrate is one that i've used with no problems before on a 2-3" sandbed. there's a lot of 4-6" 'ers on the site, but nite's seem to be lower on less than 4".
:notsure: i view every new question as a little bit of advice and a lot of experimentation.