bad snowflake eel


New Member
I bought a snowflake eel a few months ago and it was small at the time (7-8in pencil thick) now about 12-15in fat marker thick. hes in my 55gal reef tank (i know not the best place for him but at the time he was little and sweet) hes pritty calm most of the time but when he gets hungry he starts swimming and bumping over my corals even nipping at my fish that swim too close. now i want him OUT any sugestions? im thinking about baiting him with a pice of shrimp then grabbing him with my other hand but he bit me once while feeding my anemone and that sucked :-( dont really want to do it again. any thing will help
RYDOGG420 :notsure:


Active Member
Large net, get the eel in the net and then pinch the net off with your free hand. Forget about grabbing it; too slippery and you risk a bite. Another option is a large capture container with a lid. Herd the eel into the container, and slide the lid over the opening. Work fast because they will jump and are very adept at getting out of small openings. I removed a 20 inch SFE years ago and it was no picnic. Took half an hour and the eel ended up on the floor twice. Having a second set of hands can't hurt either, but make sure it's not someone who's the least bit afraid.


i have a dragon moray who is over 2 ft, and i would never want to have to move him. i would say that the whole feeding trick might not be the b est idea because you dont want him hungry with your hands in there. i know that my eel usually comes out in the middle of the night and stratches out accross the tank. you might want to see if yours ever does the same thing. if that is the case it would be a lot easier for you to just net him without having to hunt through your lr and whatnot.


Active Member
ozzzfan84: Removing a dragon eel and removing a snowflake eel are two completely different things. haha
I suggest makeing a fish trap and getting him that way. Take a 2 litre coke bottle. Cut off the end with the hole, then turn it around and seal it. Bait the inside. When the ell goes in, he will try to get out around the bottom and not the hole in the center.


New Member
i dont know what im going to do with him once i get him out i guess it depends on how i get him out. i came home the other day and he tore up my cluster duster and knocked over my polyps right into my anemone lucky i saw them and saved them before they got hurt. the coke bottle sounds good but i dont know if he will find it or even know if thers food in there. i tried the bait and grab today he was in the perfect place but i wussed out when he turn towreds my fingers. so im going to try to not feed him for a few days and do the coke trap and hopefully get him out.


if you dont mind my asking, what does the bite feel like? i was reading the other eel threads and was wondering if anyone ever got a nip...


Originally Posted by thirty6
if you dont mind my asking, what does the bite feel like? i was reading the other eel threads and was wondering if anyone ever got a nip...
I got bit once... didn't feel much at first, but the teeth didn't take hold of my finger, just grazed me.
I pulled my hand away before it could really grab me. Feels like razor blades. Bled quite a bit. Not fun.


if you are still having problems with the eel and do not want to harm it...... using a net can hurt an eel quite severly if it decides to start thrasin around..... what most people dont realize is that a net can cut through the eels natural slime coat and scab but the skin... making the eel look shotty..... plus you being bitten already might make you a little timid holding you handaround the net.....result.....eel on floor
so i would suggest coaxing him to a clear plastic bag with food or a feeding stick of some sort. well if your not worried about any of this go with the net but i found bags to be easier and less detrementle to the eel. hope i helped